After the Carl Touchstone Mississippi 50 miler ending unsuccessfully (due to bad weather, of course) we emailed the Badgerland Striders Ice Age 50 Mile Trail Run race director and bumped up our 50k registration to 50 miles!
May 14th was the race date, and we set out for Elkhorn, WI after work on Friday. We stayed at the Hampton and they were prepared for us runners. They had food out from 4-5am, which was nice. It had cooled off on Friday and we knew it was only supposed to get back up to the low 50s during the day with a chance of rain.
We left the hotel and made the short drive over to the Nordic Trails off of Highway H where the race start/finish was. Parking was plentiful, and we got our bibs with no hassle right when we arrived. Also, they have bathrooms available, but they are outhouse style.
This year was the 30th anniversary of this race. The director announced that there were two runners present who ran the first race back in 1982, and that there was a runner that had been running this race every consecutively for the past 26 year. Impressive!
There are three drop bag zones - we did not know this going into the race, and wish we would have know it. The first zone is at the start/finish line. You only see this bag once, at about mile 9. Eric read another blog where it was suggested to start the race with just a handheld bottle and pick up your running pack at mile 9. We did this and it was a great idea. The second drop zone was at approximately miles 17 and 26. There is an out and back so you see it on the way out and when you return. We did not utilize this drop bag zone, and were fine with that. Although, I was cold and if there was a bag with some additional clothing I would have put it on. They used a truck to transport your bags to and from this zone and the last zone. Zone three is where left our big drop bag. I was very thankful to see it at mile 37.5. At this point it was raining and very cold to me. We had clothing, gels, pedialite packets, and lube which I used. This too was an out and back so you saw your bag at both 37.5 and 40. The support tables at the race appeared to be plentiful with sandwiches, snacks, gel packs, and drinks. I never felt like they were missing anything, and I never felt like I had to go very far to reach the next aid station. Kudos to the race for providing such great support. Also, the cheers from the stations and music really made you feel in better spirits as you ran towards each tent and as you left. Their encouraging words really left me feeling good as I ran back out onto the trails!
Let me start by saying that this was a tough race for us. We had not been training on trails such as these, and found the course to be rather technical in compared to what we have previously seen. The race was broken up into three sections.
The first section of this 50 mile trail run was on the Nordic Trails blue loop. This was about 9 miles around, and took you in a loop around back to the start/finish line. I was able to preview the course a few weeks earlier and had done this loop so I knew what to expect. There were some rocky hills, grass path, pine needle paths, and some tight hills. I knew that the hills were coming around mile 5 and knew that the rest of the race could get interesting. Eric was pressing harder than I was, and he was flying down the rather rough rocky decents like a wild man. As we finished up this loop, we stopped at our first drop bag and put on our water packs. We recently got our water backpacks, and love them. They are Nathan ones, and seem to fit well.
We headed out for the second section. It started to get a it colder and drizzly. As we approached what they call confusion corner the forest started to own the path. There were amazing volunteers all along the path in confusing sections such as confusion corner directing us to be sure we stayed on course. Wonderful support! The trail at this point was now single track out in the middle of the forest. Eric lead a line of runners through these parts, and we flew through the trees, around stumps, and over branches. It was like something out of Runner's World Magazine. After a few miles the trail started to become more technical with a rock laid surface rather than the soft pine needles, and with the drizzling rain, it was becoming slippery. At this point I was worried about slipping and tripping, and I had started to slow up. Eric and I decided it would be best for him to run his faster pace through this terrain rather than us bickering, and it ended up being the perfect plan - this was at mile 14 by now. Eric made a turn through the deep forest and I Could no longer see him. I was running with some old veterans to this race, and they suggested to take it easy through these parts, which made me feel even better about my decision. As I came out to mile 17 there was a huge crowd of supporters and everyones drop bags. I stopped and grabbed some Heed and snacks, but just for a few seconds and took off. As I crossed a main street with the help of a volunteer I began to see the top racers heading back from this out and back. They were flying by at a 6-7 minute mile pace, which was an amazing sight to see. The course from mile 17 to 26 was pretty rocky and uneven. I felt as though I could not look up at all from the ground, and that I was almost dancing around the many stumps, boulders and fallen trees. Also, there was mud and slanted parts to this trail where I walked in fear that I would slip down the reveine into the streams. I stepped aside for the elite runners as they glided effortlessly over this terrain. I knew that this was an out and back and I started keep in my eye out for Eric. I knew he wouldn't be too far ahead, and I was right. I saw him at mile 21, which was where you went around a small pond with an aid station. Eric was confused when he saw me since I was heading into the circle Nd he was heading out. He was just about one mile ahead of me at this point. This part was beautiful, and we ran over bridges which barley were above the water level. I filled my water pack at this point, and headed out. I saw someone laying on the ground with a support crew member helping him up. This man was very dehydrated, but in good spirits. I had no thoughts of being in that state what so ever, and when I saw him, it gave me a reality check that I needed. Mile 24 was where I had my darkest time. It took me just over a mile to get over. My fingers were swollen, my eyes could not focus, and I was disorientated. I decided that it was not safe to run in this state, and that I needed to walk this out. I pounded one of the Starbucks double shots I had been carrying, followed by peanuts, a cheese peanut butter cracker, and a GU gel pack. As 2 Ironmen women passed me up, they checked in with me to make sure I was okay, and this was enough to get me moving again. This was at mile 25.5. I was back to running when I could and walking the hills - which by the way were intense. The incline was so steep you could use your hands to pull yourself up at times. As I ran through the mile 26 aid station, I thought to myself that I should be excited that I had already finished a marathon distance, but really I had no sense of accomplishment of this. I was just over half way done, and is exactly how I felt. It was a good feeling. I was mentally prepared to endure the next 7 hours of running in these conditions. I took a cup of water, poured my perilous packet into it, chugged it and was off!
The third section started off with some nice grassy paths for a while. I was able to pick up some speed, which was still a slow pace, but I was feeling good. As I made my way to mile 30 I heard party music and started to see fun windmills and such staked in the ground as I ran up to an aid station. This group was so much fun, and I chugged my second Starbucks Double Shot here. They all laughed and said that it was a great idea.... Of course I agreed! The next stop that I was focused on getting to was 37.5. I was freezing in my shorts, 2 tops, backpack, and headband. Also, I was looking forward to getting to the turnaround of the out and back to see Eric. These next 7 miles turned out to be the toughest, roughest, messiest, and had the most inclines and declines yet. As I sidestepped down the steep hills all I could think was how I was going to have to get back up them. There was a nice stretch of pine trees and soft pine needles to run on, but not for long. Again, I started to see the elites again. They were looking more exhausted, and many were walking up the hills. Success as I made it to the 37.5 aid station. This was a big stop with bathrooms and a lot of support crews. I sat down next to our big drop bag and changed my socks to longer, warmer ones with support. My feet were killing from the rocky surface of the trails, and I had some blisters. I lubed up my toes and put my shoes back on. I grabbed the Ice Age long sleeve shirts we had received, and put it on. Much warmer now. Another pedilite too and I was on my way back out. The turnaround was only another 3.2 miles, and I knew I was going to see Eric soon. I felt great at this point and was cursing these trails. I had a couple behind me, and the woman was not doing so well, but was trying to keep up with me. I told her about pedilite packets and at an uphill gave her one... She was so grateful. Ultra runners are so great and supportive of each other, this is what makes me want to keep doing the distance! I was about three quarters of a mile from the turnaround, and I saw a woman running towards me with blood on her. It was on her neck and coming from her ear. It really freaked me out, but she was running with a man, so I thought he was keeping her in check. This reconfigure that I was doing the right thing by goi my own pace. Then, from around the corner comes Eric. He was so happy to see me! We talked for a minute, and he told me he was worried about me. I was in great spirits, and looking strong and it made him relieved! He told. Me he was having a hard time, and I told him to walk then... And he did! I made it out to the 40.8 mile turnaround and reviled my water pack, ate lots, and headed back. I was so happy I had seen Eric and it was good knowing he was only a mile and a half in front of me. I wasn't alone out there. As I was running back to the aid station with our drop bag I started to get tired. This was mile 42 and I knew I still had a long and hard 8 miles left. I had never been past mile 40 before, and this was uncharted territory. Mentally, I remained strong and knew that I had several hours to get these last 8 done, and was going to finish no matter what I had to do. As I slowed up, I saw a woman coming towards me heading out to the 40 mile turnaround. I told her she was doing well, and she announced she didn't make the cut off. This really jazzed me up. Maybe I didn't have as much time as I thought. I picked up the pace, and as I caught up to 2 guys who had previously passed me they stepped aside and asked what had gotten into me. I told them about the lady who got cut, and they stepped aside. I was running as much as I could, even tackling the up hills. As I made my way out of this area and towards the aid station, I heard Eric calling my name. I really did not think he was going to be waiting for me at this aid station, but there he was. I expressed my concern Bout cutlets and such, and he told me not to worry. We headed out for the last 7 miles of this race together.
The last miles were the toughest. We headed out and ran as much as we could. We ran up hills, and tried to pick up the pace through the pine needle forest. At this point we were running about a 14 minute mile, but it felt a lot faster. The effort level was at about an 8 minute mile, but with the hills, slippery rocks, and stumps this was about as fast as we could do. Also, it was hard to breathe at this point. Our bodies were becoming exhausted as we were into our 10th consecutive hour of running these trails. It was awesome to have Eric there to talk with and even though he let me run in front for most of the time, it was nice to follow someone I trusted... it kept my mind at ease from having to intensely stare down the path before each step. There was an aid station at about mile 47 and they cheered us in and told us that we are on pace to finish before the 12 hour cut off, but reminded us that we needed to keep our pace. With only three miles to go, and knowing we were almost done the exhaustion started to set in. We continued to run, but it was getting harder by the second. I remembered something from our marathon training.... I used to always say, only 5 more miles. This helps calm my spirits, and not get so fired up at the end. We just needed to keep our pace, not pick it up. As we started to remember the trail from the start, I knew we were almost there. We passed by the last aid station with one and a half mikes to go and they cheered us on! The grassy path lead us into the pine needle forest. It was wonderful to run through, and next up some rocky hills, but then we knew it was the end. There were volunteers coaching us in at the top of each hill, and we ran it up and down each one. As the sounds of live music, smells of barbecue, and cheering of all of the finishers and supporters loudened we knew it was almost over. We came around a turn and there it was.... the finish line we have been waiting for. The clock said 11:43 while we were approaching, which want we had made it. Eric and i held hands as we crossed the finish line... together..... It was emotional! Amazing! We had done it. 50 miles by foot! They removed our chips from our dirty shoes, handed us our well deserved belt buckles and headed for some gatorade. I looked at Eric and started to tear up....we finished!
They had food, music, campfires the works. We got some food, I got changed right away since I was cold and wet, and we jumped in the car. Unbelievable.... I still cannot believe we did this.... We both agreed that this race was very intense and way more technical than the Mississippi 50 we had attempted back in March. It is such an accomplishing feeling to have completed such an awesome race!
Team LERIC Goes Ultra
Race reports and updates from team Leah & Eric.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Chicago Spring Lakefront 50k Race Report
Since we are training for the Badgerland Strikers Ice Age 50 miler coming up on May 14, 2011, we went for it. We registered on Wednesday, and ran on Saturday, March 26, 2011 in the Chicago Sprint Lakefront 50k Ultra Marathon.
Last week the Chicagoland weather was amazing – warm temps, sunny skies, low wind. On race day, we experienced real Chicago weather. The lakefront was beautiful, but the below freezing temps and the constant 20+ mph wind coming from every direction made this 50k interesting.
We did the Chicago Fall Lakefront 50/50 last October, and we really liked the chillness of the race and the runners. No surprises for this race. The race was low-key, the runners mostly friendly, and the crews caring and supportive. The sign-in is very simple, and for a runner who hasn’t done this before, there is no rush to get there super early since in our experience there hasn’t been a line, and everyone gets signed in rather quickly.
We waited in our car with the heat on high, and our hand warmers activated so when we went back out in the cold for the race start we would be as warm as we could. As the announcer directed us to start the race, we were off.
The course consisted of 3 loops of just over 10 miles each (about 5 miles out and back) on mostly limestone trails with some paved paths. There were beautiful stretches right along the beach, we went through park areas, and ran up to several of the lakefront paths beach houses (they were closed still for the off season, so no open bathrooms there). There are no real hills, climbs, or anything technical on this course, it is a pretty consistent stretch of path. The course had an aid station every 2.5 miles or so, which was amazing. There was one at the start, halfway through the 5+ mile stretch, then at the turnaround. Also, plenty of water, Gatorade, chips, peanuts, candy, cookies, bananas – they never ran out! And there were port-a-potties at each of the three stations with little or no wait.
Team LERIC got the first loop done in just under 2 hours. After pounding Starbuck’s Double Shots, and Eric scarfing down his Jimmy John’s slim we were off – feeling great. As you leave the start/stop area, the wind really lets you know it is there! The sun was shining on us so brightly at times, making us energized, and the wind and cold really hammered us at times which made it challenging to push through. We were discussing the night after the race whether our faces are red from sun burn or wind burn!
Just before we came up to the half point turnaround, we saw the first place leader heading back on his final loop. It looked like he was paced to finish around 3:15, which is amazing. There were many strong ultra marathoners out on the course, which was amazing for us to see.
We started to slow our pace down after we hit the half way point. Our Mississippi Ultra was just 3 weeks ago, and we were still battling some soreness. Also, we needed to take it easy here since this we were using this race as a training run for our upcoming 50 miler in May. We made it back to the start/finish line after 20+ miles continuing with our strategy of running 20 minutes and walking 5 minutes. This works for us, especially on such a flat course where there are no hills to walk up. We made it to the last turnaround, and only had about 5 miles to go. This was when we decided that we had to walk more than run. We ran into the aid station which we knew meant we only had about 2.5 miles to go. We walked most of the remaining miles, and were able to run our way into the finish zone! It was such a great feeling to get this race done, earn our medals, and eat some red beans and rice. What a treat. We took some pictures and jumped into the car with the heat on full blast, and headed over to Cozymel’s for some fajitas, chips and salsa, and some drinks – which were all well deserved!
This was a great run together. We are getting closer in terms of training and days to the next race, Badgerland Strikers Ice Age 50 miler.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Carl Touchstone Mississippi 50 Trail Run Race Report
The morning after the Fall Chicago Lakefront 50/50 we did it. We signed up for our first 50 miler. The Carl Touchstone Mississippi 50 Trail Run.
November 1st, 2010 is the date we signed up with the race set for March 5th, 2011. This being our first winter season of running, we were in for a treat. The winter weeks slowly passed as we headed out on the Prairie Path, only to find that our foot prints were consistently the only few if not only we would see on a daily basis in the snow and ice filled trails. The tough training paid off.
Laurel, Mississippi was where the race was. With two flights and a 99 mile drive into the Desoto National Forest Preserves we finally were there. Ready to run!
The packet pick-up was close to our hotel and close to the race start. We enjoyed the pasta dinner and the race director’s speech. We knew from the forecasts that there was going to be some interesting weather, but the race director had emailed us confirming that it was still on. Some discussion points I remember include that we find a friend that knows how to swim if you don’t, your shoes will get wet within the first mile, and that they do not intend to call the race.
When we woke up and headed out the door around 4am for the 6am start it was pouring. We navigated through the pitch black roads and forest preserve to the race start. It was such a great feeling of excitement to see all of the runners geared up, the tents set up, and the race clock counting down to the 6am start. We put our drop bag under a tent and hoped for the best.
We lined up at the start, staying closer to the back. There was a 50k and a 20k the same day, and the 50k started at the same time as the 50 milers. The race director blew a horn and we were off. The blackness of the early morning had seemed to slip away and we were running in the dawn. Through the soft grassy trail start we were attempting to dodge the puddles and such. The race was set up as three 12.5 mile loops followed by two 6.25 mile loops.
The people we were running with were all very friendly and polite. The trail was not. As the more people churned the path, the mud fest began. The colors of the mud were amazing. Red, yellow and white, but it was still mud. We stuck to our plan of a walk run. Run for twenty minutes then walk for five. Also, we had decided to walk over hills and through the creeks. And yes, there were creeks. We had so much fun with the technical parts of the race, running between trees, up mud hills, through the creeks. Also, the aid stations were very supportive, and had what you needed ready for you.

The first part of the 12.5 mile loop was the most mud filled, the mid part of the race consisted of an out and back on a gravel road which took an upward climb on the way out, and the later part of the race had some sand to the trail. The last 1.5 mile stretch of this loop was a slight upward single track climb, which became a river at both the 2nd and 3rd loop.
This loop was the best loop yet. The 2 Starbucks Double Shots we have had probably helped too! We cruised by several runners right off the bat, and were feeling great about it. We had decided that straight through the puddles, mud pits, and creeks was the answer, and speeding it up too. As we wrapped up the out and back section, we knew we were going to make the 8:45 hour cut off. We cruised through the last 1.5 miles which was a streaming river at this point and popped out of the forest to the race start/stop where we saw 8:30 hours on the clock. We made it!
The rain was worse than ever and the lightening was getting close. Leah rinsed out her shoes from all of the debris with a water bottle and put on some new socks that were instantly soaked. As we listened to other racers calling it quits, Eric went over and spoke with the race director. He told Eric that if we wanted to run, we better do it now, and that he didn’t know if they would have to call the race yet. Eric walked up to Leah to discuss and Leah let him know there was no way we were not heading back out for the final 12.5 miles left.
This time heading out was insanity. We were told that this trail was easier than the last, and it was. The water on this trail was constant. From a few inches in some parts to mid-calf we trudged through. The rain was very strong, the wind was fierce, and the lightening let us know this was a real storm. We passed by two runners within 2 miles, and we were feeling good. We shuffled step through the deeper puddles until we came up to a creek crossing. By this time it was more like a river. Eric went for it. He plunged in and Leah followed in the chest deep water. It was insane. We saw a tent up ahead and a runner going to it. We had discussed at this point that we have 10 miles left, and in order to finish within the 12 hour cut off time we could go as slow as 18 minute miles and still cross to get our belt buckles. It was rejuvenating.
As we come up to the aid station we are told some disturbing news. The race had been called. The storm was not getting better and was predicted to develop into a tornado. The race director’s wife had both of us, along with two other 50 mile runners climb into her car, and cruised us back to the start. As we pulled up, we followed in a 50 mile female finished. She was finishing in just over 9 hours and placed 3rd in the event. We received medals for our effort, were recognized for attempting the 50 mile event, and were given credit for finishing a 50k. We both knew we could have finished the run, but the weather just did not want to let us!
Once we got back to the hotel we took off our shoes to check out the damage. Eric’s toes were beaten up with blisters and pruned form the 9+ hours of being constantly soaked. Leah took off her shoes to find something a bit more disturbing. Nothing. Not even pruned. Maybe it was the socks, or the body glide we had put on our toes and heals before we headed out. No sure, but it was amazing!
We couldn’t believe it! All of the training, commuting, and with 40+ miles under our belt, it was over. We are very proud of the miles we did finish, and that we took the challenge head on with out any excuses.
This just fueled the fire for our next event, the Ice Age 50 miler in May!
November 1st, 2010 is the date we signed up with the race set for March 5th, 2011. This being our first winter season of running, we were in for a treat. The winter weeks slowly passed as we headed out on the Prairie Path, only to find that our foot prints were consistently the only few if not only we would see on a daily basis in the snow and ice filled trails. The tough training paid off.
Laurel, Mississippi was where the race was. With two flights and a 99 mile drive into the Desoto National Forest Preserves we finally were there. Ready to run!
When we woke up and headed out the door around 4am for the 6am start it was pouring. We navigated through the pitch black roads and forest preserve to the race start. It was such a great feeling of excitement to see all of the runners geared up, the tents set up, and the race clock counting down to the 6am start. We put our drop bag under a tent and hoped for the best.
We lined up at the start, staying closer to the back. There was a 50k and a 20k the same day, and the 50k started at the same time as the 50 milers. The race director blew a horn and we were off. The blackness of the early morning had seemed to slip away and we were running in the dawn. Through the soft grassy trail start we were attempting to dodge the puddles and such. The race was set up as three 12.5 mile loops followed by two 6.25 mile loops.
The people we were running with were all very friendly and polite. The trail was not. As the more people churned the path, the mud fest began. The colors of the mud were amazing. Red, yellow and white, but it was still mud. We stuck to our plan of a walk run. Run for twenty minutes then walk for five. Also, we had decided to walk over hills and through the creeks. And yes, there were creeks. We had so much fun with the technical parts of the race, running between trees, up mud hills, through the creeks. Also, the aid stations were very supportive, and had what you needed ready for you.

The first part of the 12.5 mile loop was the most mud filled, the mid part of the race consisted of an out and back on a gravel road which took an upward climb on the way out, and the later part of the race had some sand to the trail. The last 1.5 mile stretch of this loop was a slight upward single track climb, which became a river at both the 2nd and 3rd loop.
They had a cut off time of 8 hours and 45 minutes in which you must have completed the three 12.5 mile loops. Seeing that our first loop took us 2:38 hours and the second loop 3:00 hours, and with the trail getting worse with the rain by the second we were very worried about finishing the final big loop within the 2:47 hours before cutoff. As we passed the clock after the second big loop and headed out to the third loop we knew what we had to do. We looked at each other in the pouring rain and decided to throw the run walk plan away and make a new plan. This plan was called RUN!
This loop was the best loop yet. The 2 Starbucks Double Shots we have had probably helped too! We cruised by several runners right off the bat, and were feeling great about it. We had decided that straight through the puddles, mud pits, and creeks was the answer, and speeding it up too. As we wrapped up the out and back section, we knew we were going to make the 8:45 hour cut off. We cruised through the last 1.5 miles which was a streaming river at this point and popped out of the forest to the race start/stop where we saw 8:30 hours on the clock. We made it!

As we come up to the aid station we are told some disturbing news. The race had been called. The storm was not getting better and was predicted to develop into a tornado. The race director’s wife had both of us, along with two other 50 mile runners climb into her car, and cruised us back to the start. As we pulled up, we followed in a 50 mile female finished. She was finishing in just over 9 hours and placed 3rd in the event. We received medals for our effort, were recognized for attempting the 50 mile event, and were given credit for finishing a 50k. We both knew we could have finished the run, but the weather just did not want to let us!
Once we got back to the hotel we took off our shoes to check out the damage. Eric’s toes were beaten up with blisters and pruned form the 9+ hours of being constantly soaked. Leah took off her shoes to find something a bit more disturbing. Nothing. Not even pruned. Maybe it was the socks, or the body glide we had put on our toes and heals before we headed out. No sure, but it was amazing!
We couldn’t believe it! All of the training, commuting, and with 40+ miles under our belt, it was over. We are very proud of the miles we did finish, and that we took the challenge head on with out any excuses.
This just fueled the fire for our next event, the Ice Age 50 miler in May!
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