November 1st, 2010 is the date we signed up with the race set for March 5th, 2011. This being our first winter season of running, we were in for a treat. The winter weeks slowly passed as we headed out on the Prairie Path, only to find that our foot prints were consistently the only few if not only we would see on a daily basis in the snow and ice filled trails. The tough training paid off.
Laurel, Mississippi was where the race was. With two flights and a 99 mile drive into the Desoto National Forest Preserves we finally were there. Ready to run!
The packet pick-up was close to our hotel and close to the race start. We enjoyed the pasta dinner and the race director’s speech. We knew from the forecasts that there was going to be some interesting weather, but the race director had emailed us confirming that it was still on. Some discussion points I remember include that we find a friend that knows how to swim if you don’t, your shoes will get wet within the first mile, and that they do not intend to call the race.
When we woke up and headed out the door around 4am for the 6am start it was pouring. We navigated through the pitch black roads and forest preserve to the race start. It was such a great feeling of excitement to see all of the runners geared up, the tents set up, and the race clock counting down to the 6am start. We put our drop bag under a tent and hoped for the best.
We lined up at the start, staying closer to the back. There was a 50k and a 20k the same day, and the 50k started at the same time as the 50 milers. The race director blew a horn and we were off. The blackness of the early morning had seemed to slip away and we were running in the dawn. Through the soft grassy trail start we were attempting to dodge the puddles and such. The race was set up as three 12.5 mile loops followed by two 6.25 mile loops.
The people we were running with were all very friendly and polite. The trail was not. As the more people churned the path, the mud fest began. The colors of the mud were amazing. Red, yellow and white, but it was still mud. We stuck to our plan of a walk run. Run for twenty minutes then walk for five. Also, we had decided to walk over hills and through the creeks. And yes, there were creeks. We had so much fun with the technical parts of the race, running between trees, up mud hills, through the creeks. Also, the aid stations were very supportive, and had what you needed ready for you.
The first part of the 12.5 mile loop was the most mud filled, the mid part of the race consisted of an out and back on a gravel road which took an upward climb on the way out, and the later part of the race had some sand to the trail. The last 1.5 mile stretch of this loop was a slight upward single track climb, which became a river at both the 2nd and 3rd loop.
They had a cut off time of 8 hours and 45 minutes in which you must have completed the three 12.5 mile loops. Seeing that our first loop took us 2:38 hours and the second loop 3:00 hours, and with the trail getting worse with the rain by the second we were very worried about finishing the final big loop within the 2:47 hours before cutoff. As we passed the clock after the second big loop and headed out to the third loop we knew what we had to do. We looked at each other in the pouring rain and decided to throw the run walk plan away and make a new plan. This plan was called RUN!
This loop was the best loop yet. The 2 Starbucks Double Shots we have had probably helped too! We cruised by several runners right off the bat, and were feeling great about it. We had decided that straight through the puddles, mud pits, and creeks was the answer, and speeding it up too. As we wrapped up the out and back section, we knew we were going to make the 8:45 hour cut off. We cruised through the last 1.5 miles which was a streaming river at this point and popped out of the forest to the race start/stop where we saw 8:30 hours on the clock. We made it!
The rain was worse than ever and the lightening was getting close. Leah rinsed out her shoes from all of the debris with a water bottle and put on some new socks that were instantly soaked. As we listened to other racers calling it quits, Eric went over and spoke with the race director. He told Eric that if we wanted to run, we better do it now, and that he didn’t know if they would have to call the race yet. Eric walked up to Leah to discuss and Leah let him know there was no way we were not heading back out for the final 12.5 miles left.
As we come up to the aid station we are told some disturbing news. The race had been called. The storm was not getting better and was predicted to develop into a tornado. The race director’s wife had both of us, along with two other 50 mile runners climb into her car, and cruised us back to the start. As we pulled up, we followed in a 50 mile female finished. She was finishing in just over 9 hours and placed 3rd in the event. We received medals for our effort, were recognized for attempting the 50 mile event, and were given credit for finishing a 50k. We both knew we could have finished the run, but the weather just did not want to let us!
Once we got back to the hotel we took off our shoes to check out the damage. Eric’s toes were beaten up with blisters and pruned form the 9+ hours of being constantly soaked. Leah took off her shoes to find something a bit more disturbing. Nothing. Not even pruned. Maybe it was the socks, or the body glide we had put on our toes and heals before we headed out. No sure, but it was amazing!
We couldn’t believe it! All of the training, commuting, and with 40+ miles under our belt, it was over. We are very proud of the miles we did finish, and that we took the challenge head on with out any excuses.
This just fueled the fire for our next event, the Ice Age 50 miler in May!
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